Our activity area 

Learn more about activity area of Kavosh Ferasat Rayan Company

Our activity area includes; purchase, sale, importing and exporting computer facilities, telecommunication equipment, computer and electronic systems, participating in e-commerce activities, functional performance and engineering services (according to company’s goals), setting up, lunching, repairing and retraining computer, telecommunication, switching antennas, communicative cables, CCTVs and computer systems, mechanizing administrative systems, running mechanized systems, programming, designing web pages, active presence in national and foreign computer festivals, participating in national and foreign bargains in our field, providing and repairing computer, telecommunication tools and spare parts, acquiring representation from inside and foreign providers of computer tools, the possibility of funding different offices according to national and foreign cooperation, signing cooperation agreements with national and foreign companies in our activity area, signing agreements with natural and legal people in our activity area, computer engineering services sale, internet and intranet services such as high speed services and band width, designing and running computer systems and modern computer networks and side tools, designing and running server room, designing and producing and running security systems for network, professional services for optical fiber based networks, wireless networks and ways of connection to internet in organizations, doing informatics and information technology projects, repairing and keeping and supporting computer systems, industrial machinery and computer medicine, designing, setting and supporting from computer networks, designing and developing software and hardware systems, participating in CCTV and video surveillance, producing, setting and running network controlling systems and closed- circuit TV and traffic systems, distributing goods from customs for company, opening current account and loaning in different forms of currency like cash or LC from banks and financial institutions inside or abroad, investing in private and public parts.